PRODUCT CATALOGUE - masking products
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36MM Painters Tape - #2055
3M Scotch® Brand Masking Tape for General Painting #2055
A professional grade masking tape that's designed to remove easily from previously painted surfaces.
Dimensions: 1.41" x 60 yd (48 mm x 55 m)
Application: Baseboards, Cabinets, Caulk, Ceilings, Countertops, Doors, Floors, Furniture, Hardware, Tile, Trim, Walls & Windows.
Surfaces: Metal, Painted Wood, Plaster
Scotch® Masking Tape for Professional Painting has strong adhesion and holding power that's designed for use on painted trim, woodwork, primed or painted walls, etc., to create great paint lines. It should be removed within 5 days to ensure clean removal.
48MM Painters Tape - #2055
3M Scotch® Brand Masking Tape for General Painting #2055
A professional grade masking tape that's designed to remove easily from previously painted surfaces.
Dimensions: 1.88" x 60 yd (48 mm x 55 m)
Application: Baseboards, Cabinets, Caulk, Ceilings, Countertops, Doors, Floors, Furniture, Hardware, Tile, Trim, Walls & Windows.
Surfaces: Metal, Painted Wood, Plaster
Scotch® Masking Tape for Professional Painting has strong adhesion and holding power that's designed for use on painted trim, woodwork, primed or painted walls, etc., to create great paint lines. It should be removed within 5 days to ensure clean removal.
24MM Masking Tape - #2020
3M Scotch® Brand General Purpose Masking Tape #2020
A general purpose masking tape that's designed for instant adhesion to almost all surfaces.
Dimensions: 0.94" x 60 yd (24 mm x 55 m)
Application: Baseboards, Floors, Furniture, Hardware, Trim, Windows.
Surfaces: Non-damageable carpet, vinyl and wood.
Scotch® Masking Tape has strong adhesion and holding power that's designed for use on most coated, non-damageable surfaces. It should be removed within 3 days to ensure clean removal.
36MM Masking Tape - #2020
3M Scotch® Brand General Purpose Masking Tape #2020
A general purpose masking tape that's designed for instant adhesion to almost all surfaces.
Dimensions: 1.4" x 60 yd (36 mm x 55 m)
Application: Baseboards, Floors, Furniture, Hardware, Trim, Windows.
Surfaces: Non-damageable carpet, vinyl and wood.
Scotch® Masking Tape has strong adhesion and holding power that's designed for use on most coated, non-damageable surfaces. It should be removed within 3 days to ensure clean removal.
48MM Masking Tape - #2020
3M Scotch® Brand General Purpose Masking Tape #2020
A general purpose masking tape that's designed for instant adhesion to almost all surfaces.
Dimensions: 1.89" x 60 yd (48 mm x 55 m)
Application: Baseboards, Floors, Furniture, Hardware, Trim, Windows.
Surfaces: Non-damageable carpet, vinyl and wood.
Scotch® Masking Tape has strong adhesion and holding power that's designed for use on most coated, non-damageable surfaces. It should be removed within 3 days to ensure clean removal.