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PRODUCT CATALOGUE - finishing products

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Joint Tape (500' roll)
CGC Drywall Joint Tape

Dimensions: 2 1/16" x 500'
Coverage: Approx. 30 sheets (perimeter) of 4' x 8' drywall
Application: Interior Drywall Finishing

CGC Drywall Joint Tape
is a high-performing cross-fibered paper tape that resists cracking, stretching, wrinkling and tearing.

Data Sheet

Self-Adhesive Fiberglass Mesh Tape (300' roll)
CGC Fiberglass Self-Adhesive Mesh Tape

Dimensions: 2" x 300'
Coverage: Approx. 18 sheets (perimeter) of 4' x 8' drywall
Application: Interior drywall finishing and small repairs.

CGC Fiberglass Self-Adhesive Mesh Tape has a unique fiberglass construction that resists shrinking, tearing, stretching and distortion. Since this tape is self-adhesive, less joint compound is needed and finishing is quicker. 

Data Sheet
E-Z Self-Adhesive Fire Tape (250' roll)

E-Z Flame Fighter Self-Adhesive Tape

Dimensions: 1.89" x 250'
Coverage: Approx. 15 sheets (perimeter) of 4' x 8' drywall
Application: Interior Drywall Finishing

E-Z Flame Fighter Self-Adhesive Tape is a patented drywall finishing tape that has a 1-2 hour fire rating on either vertically or horizontally hung wall systems (when using fire-rated drywall). It is self-adhesive and has easy application capabilities for both "do it yourself" and professional users.

Data Sheet
Joint Tape (75' roll)
CGC Drywall Joint Tape

Dimensions: 2 1/16" x 75'
Coverage: Approx. 10 sheets (perimeter) of 4' x 8' drywall
Application: Interior Drywall Finishing

CGC Drywall Joint Tape 
is a high-performing cross-fibered paper tape that resists cracking, stretching, wrinkling and tearing.

Data Sheet

Joint Tape (250' roll)

CGC Drywall Joint Tape

Dimensions: 2 1/16" x 250'
Coverage: Approx. 15 sheets (perimeter) of 4' x 8' drywall
Application: Interior Drywall Finishing

CGC Drywall Joint Tape 
is a high-performing cross-fibered paper tape that resists cracking, stretching, wrinkling and tearing.

Data Sheet

Synko® Lite Joint™ (Yellow) Mud (17 L box)
CGC Synko® Lite Joint™ Compound (Mud)

Each 17 L box embeds approx. 1,282 linear ft. (391 m) of drywall tape.
Application: Embedding drywall joint tape (paper), affixing corner bead, and the first coat on trim and fasteners.

Synko® Lite Joint Compound (Mud) is lighter and easier to apply than traditional joint compounds and can be applied by hand or mechanical tool. 

Data Sheet
Synko® Classic Finish® (Red) Mud (17 L box)
CGC Synko® Classic Finish® Compound (Mud)

For joint finishing, the 17 L box covers approx. 450 ft.(42 m2) of gypsum panels.
Application: The fill (2nd coat) and finish (3rd coat) coats in drywall finishing.

Synko® Classic Finish® Compound (Mud) is easy to apply and provides a smoother finish. While Classic Finish® should not be used to affix paper tape or non paper-faced metal corner bead, it can be used for all 3 coats on paper-faced metal corner bead.  

Data Sheet
Synko® Lite Finish™ (Green) Mud (17 L box)
CGC Synko® Lite Finish™ Compound (Mud)

For joint finishing, the 17 L box covers approx. 450 ft.(42 m2) of gypsum panels.
Application: The fill (2nd coat) and finish (3rd coat) coats in drywall finishing.

Synko® Lite Finish™ Compound (Mud) is less weight, easy to apply/sand, and shrinks/cracks less than standard finishing compounds. Lite Finish™ should not be used to affix paper tape, non paper-faced metal corner bead, trim, fasteners, to skim coat or to texture.

Data Sheet
Synko® Classic All Purpose (Blue) Mud (17 L box)
CGC Synko® All Purpose Compound (Mud)

For joint finishing, the 17 L box covers approx. 450 ft.(42 m2) of gypsum panels.
Application: For applying paper joint tape and paper-faced corner bead, filling (2nd coat), finishing (3rd coat), skim coating, simple textures and repairs. 

Synko® All Purpose Compound (Mud) is easy to apply and provides a smoother finish. While Classic Finish® should not be used to affix paper tape or all metal corner bead, it can be used for all 3 coats on paper-faced metal corner bead.  

Data Sheet
Synko® Lite Line™ All Purpose (Lt. Blue) Mud (17 L box)

CGC Synko® Lite Line™ Compound (Lt. Blue Box)

Coverage: For joint finishing, the 17 L box covers approx. 450 ft.(42 m2) of gypsum panels.
Application: For applying paper joint tape and paper-faced corner bead, filling (2nd coat), finishing (3rd coat), and simple textures.      

Synko® Lite Line™ All Purpose Compound (Mud)
is the most versatile, all stage, compound with its lighter weight, easier application/sanding and minimal shrinkage (minimizing coats over corner bead).

Data Sheet

CGC All Purpose (Green) Mud (16 L carton)
CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Drywall Compound

Coverage: Approx. 238 sq. ft. per box (10 gal. per 1000 sq. ft.).
Application: All stages of drywall finishing and for repairing cracks in drywall or plaster.

CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Drywall Compound is ready-mixed, hard drying mud requires minimal mixing and/or thinning.  It can be applied via hand or machine tool and has a smooth cream-like texture giving it excellent slip and smooth finish coat.

Data Sheet
CGC All Purpose Lite (Red) Mud - White (17 L carton)
CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Lite Drywall Compound

Coverage: Approx. 220 sq. ft. per box (10 gal. per 1000 sq. ft.).
Application: All stages of drywall finishing and small repairs.

CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Lite Drywall Compound is a ready-mixed, high performance easy-to-use compound that is 20% lighter than conventional all purpose drywall mud. It can be applied using hand or mechanical tools. 

Data Sheet
CGC All Purpose Lite (Red) Mud - Beige (17 L carton)
CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Lite Drywall Compound

Coverage: Approx. 220 sq. ft. per box (10 gal. per 1000 sq. ft.).
Application: All stages of drywall finishing and small repairs.

CGC Sheetrock® All Purpose Lite Drywall Compound is a ready-mixed, high performance easy-to-use compound that is 20% lighter than conventional all purpose drywall mud. It can be applied using hand or mechanical tools. 

Data Sheet
CGC Machine Mud® (17 L carton)
CGC Sheetrock® Machine Mud® Drywall Compound

Coverage: Approx. 220 sq. ft. per box (10 gal. per 1000 sq. ft.).
Application: All stages of drywall finishing.

CGC Sheetrock® Machine Mud® Drywall Compound is a lightweight, high performance compound that is used primarily by mechanical tool users. Machine Mud®, which can also be applied by hand, is formulated so fewer passes are required to create a smooth surface. When taping, a slight thinning with water may be required.

Data Sheet
Synko® Lite Joint™ (Yellow) Mud (18 L pail)
CGC Synko® Lite Joint™ Compound (Mud)

Each 17 L box (4.5 gal) embeds approx. 1,282 linear ft. (391 m) of drywall tape. 18 L pail = 4.7 gal
Application: Embedding drywall joint tape (paper), afficing corner bead, and the first coat on trim and fasteners. 

Synko® Lite Joint Compound (Mud) is lighter and easier to apply than traditional joint compounds and can be applied by hand or mechanical tool. 

Data Sheet
Synko® Pro Series Fill and Finish (17 L box)
CGC Synko® Pro Series Fill and Finish

Coverage: For joint finishing, the 17 L box covers approx. 450 ft.² (42 m²) of gypsum panels.
Application: The fill (2nd coat) and finish (3rd coat) coats in drywall finishing.

Synko® Pro Series Fill and Finish Compound (Mud) is easy to apply and sand. It has professional grade features including superior consistency, excellent crack resistance and less shrinkage. Synko® Pro Series Fill and Finish should not be used as the first coat. 

Data Sheet
Synko® Pro Set 30 (9 kg bag)
Synko® Pro Set 30

Coverage: Approx. 440 sq. ft of gypsum panels per bag.
Setting Time: Approx. 30 minutes
Application: As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

Synko® Pro Set 30 is a lightweight compound that sands as easily as ready-mixed all-purpose joint compound. It can be used to bond gypsum boards or to sound-deadening boards together. Pro Set 30 is also safe to use, as a finishing product, on exterior ceiling gypsum boards.

Data Sheet
Synko® Pro Set 90 (9 kg bag)
Synko® Pro Set 90 

Coverage: Approx. 440 sq. ft. per bag.
Setting Time: Approx. 90 minutes.
Application: As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

Synko® Pro Set 90 is a lightweight compound that sands as easily as ready-mixed all-purpose joint compound. It can be used to bond gypsum boards or to sound-deadening boards together. Pro Set 90 is also safe to use, as a finishing product, on exterior ceiling gypsum boards.

Data Sheet
CGC Durabond® 90 Setting-Type Mud (15 kg bag)
CGC Durabond® 90 Setting-Type Joint Compound

Coverage: Approx. 500 sq. ft. per bag (72 lb. per 1000 sq.ft.)
Setting Time: 85 to 130 minutes.
As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

CGC Durabond® 90 Setting-Type Joint Compound is a non-asbestos containing, chemically setting powder for same day joint finishing and next day decorating. The mud can be used on approved exterior ceiling panels, in heavy fills and is virtually unaffected by humidity. Durabond® 90's special formulation provides a high strength bond with low shrinkage that finishes with a hard, plaster-like surface when dry.

Data Sheet
CGC Sheetrock® 20 Setting-Type Mud (11 kg bag)
CGC Sheetrock® 20 Setting-Type Joint Compound

Coverage: Approx. 430 sq. ft. per bag (52 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.). 
Setting Time: 20-30 minutes.
As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

CGC Sheetrock® 20 Setting-Type Joint Compound is a chemically setting powder, when mixed with water, for same day joint finishing and next day decorating. It's unique formulation provides a lightweight product that's easily mixed, applied and sanded to a smooth finish. Sheetrock® 20 is unaffected by humidity and bonds with little shrinkage. 

Data Sheet
CGC Sheetrock® 45 Setting-Type Mud (11 kg bag)
CGC Sheetrock® 45 Setting-Type Joint Compound 

Coverage: Approx. 430 sq. ft. per bag (52 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.).
Setting Time: 30-80 minutes.
As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

CGC Sheetrock® 45 Setting-Type Joint Compound is a chemically setting powder, when mixed with water, for same day joint finishing and next day decorating. It's unique formulation provides a lightweight product that's easily mixed, applied and sanded to a smooth finish. Sheetrock® 45 is unaffected by humidity and bonds with little shrinkage. 

Data Sheet
CGC Sheetrock® 90 Setting-Type Mud (11 kg bag)
CGC Sheetrock® 90 Setting-Type Joint Compound 

Coverage: Approx. 430 sq. ft. per bag (52 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.). 
Setting Time: 85-130 minutes.
As an Interior/Exterior joint compound, a laminating agent, as well as filling, smoothing and finishing concrete ceilings.

CGC Sheetrock® 90 Setting-Type Joint Compound is a chemically setting powder, when mixed with water, for same day joint finishing and next day decorating. It's unique formulation provides a lightweight product that's easily mixed, applied and sanded to a smooth finish. Sheetrock® 90 is unaffected by humidity and bonds with little shrinkage. 

Data Sheet
Synko® Concrete Fill (15 kg bag)
CGC Synko® Concrete Fill

Coverage: 12 L of material per 15 kg bag
Application: Fill, level, and patch voids in interior concrete ceilings and walls.

CGC Synko® Concrete Fill is an easy to mix, quick-setting, lightweight fiberglass reinforced plaster compound that can fill voids up to 1" thick without shrinkage or cracking. It can also be used to pre-fill or patch plaster or drywall surfaces.

Data Sheet
Synko® Span-Lite Spray Texture (15.5 L box)
Synko® Span-Lite Wall and Ceiling Spray Texture

Coverage: 400 to 600 sq. ft. per 15.5 L box
Application: For texturing above-grade interior drywall, concrete, brick, etc., walls and ceilings.

Synko® Span-Lite Spray Texture
is ideal where moderate to bold texture patterns (spatter, orange peel, or knockdown) are desired. Designed for spray application over gypsum panel, concrete, and most other interior wall and ceiling surfaces. Wall applications should be overpainted when dry.

Data Sheet
Hamilton Pro-Tex Ceiling Texture (15 kg bag)
Hamilton Pro-Tex Ceiling Texture

Coverage: Approximately 33-42 square meters (355 to 4500 sq. ft.) per 15 kg bag. Approximate yield per 15 kg bag - 35 litres.
Application: This product can be sprayed with a hand held hopper, stator tube, or pressure pot machine. Interior use only.

Hamilton Pro-Tex Ceiling Texture is a polystyrene based aggregate ceiling texture. When sprayed it produces a white, medium texture finish. Pro-Tex mixes very easily without lumps; it sprays and atomizes very easily, and provides high coverage. 

Pro-Tex can be applied to a variety of properly prepared substrates including drywall, plaster and concrete.
  • Easy mixing
  • Excellent sprayability
  • Very good coverage 

Maintain a minimum air, surface and texture material temperature of 10º C (50º F) for 48 hours prior to application and until completely dry and stable. 

All surfaces must be firm, clean, dry and free of foreign substances. The absorption rate of the surface that Pro-Tex is applied to may cause variation in the texture pattern.

Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
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